What’s the difference between wokring with you and using software, such as Tango or Scribe or AI?

While tools like Scribe or Tango may seem impressive, they often overlook essential components when designing a process.

The ultimate goal of a process is either to solve a problem or prevent one. With that in mind, before starting to create any process, it's critical to define what type of process is needed.

Many business owners mistakenly create processes for everything, rather than focusing on processes that address or prevent specific problems. This often leads to over-engineering, causing team members to neglect the processes altogether.

Even when the correct processes have been identified, using tools like Scribe, Tango, or AI-driven systems can present challenges. These tools, though frictionless and easy to use, tend to gloss over key details—such as assumptions, potential room for interpretation, and contextual understanding—that a human would catch when extracting and documenting processes.

This is why we do not recommend relying solely on these tools, as they can introduce new problems.

Typically, those who gravitate towards these tools are seeking a quick fix rather than the right solution, properly designed to last.

If you aim to build franchise-level quality processes that allow your business to run independently of you and your team, simply uploading recordings into a tool won’t suffice. A more thoughtful, human-driven approach is needed to ensure your processes are truly built to last for generations.

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