What are the next steps, how do I get started?

If you're ready to get started and become a client of Systems and Teams, the next steps are straightforward.

First, we'll ensure we've had a conversation with the key decision-makers to confirm the scope of work. From there, we can establish timelines, a budget, KPIs, and identify what needs to be created, optimized, improved, or whether new hires are required for your company.

If any of these details are unclear, don’t worry—we have a process to extract the right answers as we onboard you.

After your enrollment, you’ll receive a launch call. The onboarding process itself takes no more than 30 minutes and will provide us with additional insights about your KPIs, goals, and what you want to achieve through this engagement. After that, you’ll be directed to schedule your launch call.

On the launch call, you'll meet with Jamie Stenhouse, who will help determine the root causes of your challenges, what needs to be created, and in what sequence to ensure things improve quickly.

From there, you'll receive instant resources that you can start applying immediately to address your current company and team issues, as well as analytical tools to uncover further information that we need to begin drafting your company's processes. This can happen as early as the second or third week.

To recap, the process is simple: confirm the scope of work, enroll, complete onboarding, schedule your launch call, and then Jamie will help you get straight to work.

Book your intial call here: https://www.systemsandteams.com/makeabooking

Or get started by processing your enrolment here: https://www.systemsandteams.com/intensive or https://www.systemsandteams.com/concierge or https://www.systemsandteams.com/integrator

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