Common Questions

Can I enrol my team in this program?

Absolutely, and we highly recommend it. If you want your team to optimise themselves, develop their own processes, or improve their existing workflow, we provide step-by-step training and templates to help achieve those goals.

Do I need to have an existing team already?

No. Some clients start as a “one-man band” with the goal of building a team from the ground up using systems from the start.

Does it cost extra to include team members in your program?

Your business will have one account to access the program, which covers training, community participation, and hands-on calls.

Does this work with in-house teams or virtual teams?

Both. Our methods are proven to work across the board with all types of teams, whether in-house or virtual.

How can I get my team on board?

To get your team on board with using systems and processes, it’s crucial for you as the CEO, founder, or team leader to first embrace these systems yourself.

How many people do I need on my team to really get the most out of your program?

You don't need any team members to benefit from our program.

I don’t know how to hire the right people for my systems—can you help with that?

We cover world-class hiring tactics and processes inside the Dream Team Intensive. These tactics are tailored to the systems you create within the intensive, ensuring that you hire the right people with the right skill set 

I've hired people from Fiverr before. How is this different?

Hiring on Fiverr is typically geared towards short-term, project-based work, where you select freelancers based on their profiles and reviews, often without a deep understanding of their long-term fit for your business.

Is virtual staff hiring or in-house staff hiring better?

It depends on your situation—and we've got you covered for both.